Monday, September 29, 2008

gossip, love and the psalms!!!

lookie lookie what i acquired yesterday from my favourite little 2nd hand book shop!!! I have finished 'Scarlet Thread' (multiple times) but i havent started reading the others just yet. I am going away today, just for a night, down South- perfect chance to begin reading!!!....

I found a beautiful verse in Psalms that ill leave you with...

LORD, our Lord, how
majestic is your name in all the
earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.

When I consider your heavens,

the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars,

which you have set in

You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with
glory and
honor. Psalm8

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I need to breathe again...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I remember the wise words of my mother who always told me that time has the amazing ability to heal all wounds. But as I get older, i am realising that maybe its what you do in the time that determines the level of freedom. I think that's its a choice... and although at times it seems much easier to throw your hands up, eat a poison apple and sleep happily while others make the decisions that you didn’t have the courage to make. But I pose this question to you... did Sleeping Beauty wake up and realise that she isn't where she wanted to be?

"Like a dog that returns to its vomit- it is a fool who repeats his folly."
- proverbs 26:11I think

that the biggest poison of my generation has been one thing: selfishness.

When I think of my life over the past 7 months I cant believe at all that has happened! There has been some amazing triumphs, not just in my life, but in the lives of those around me…. My relationship with 2 incredible women have been fully restored (major God thing), I have painted (yes Mel, I will finish your painting), I have scrapped, I have studied, I have flown away. I have returned. I have had my heart shattered and ive worked hard to repair it (watch this space) and sadly, like a dog, I returned to my folly once or twice.
BUT. I have come to the decision to take control. Lately I have found myself stressed, time-poor and not happy with how my life is. I don’t like not having time to do the simple things. So next semester I am going to drop Uni back to part time… things will work better….(and I wont feel like quitting) I think I begging to realise that although we are all human, we are vastly different and should compass our lives accordingly, including university.

I’m sorry if this post confuses you, I really don’t have a point to it…other than to say that the human spirit is beautiful and resilient. There isn’t much we cant find our way back from. And for that, I am thankful.

Monday, September 22, 2008


There are brief moments in time when I catch a glimpse of a world that I have been so carefully sheltered from. I was raised in...well, everywhere. I've seen the horrors of 3rd world countries, the depression and darkness that blankets Europe, and the disease that is killing Africa. The images in my mind are haunting. However, it is rare that I see deeply into the destruction and degradation of my own nation. After all, we are Australia (America)...and we own.

Tonight, I watched a movie.
I don't think I have been as moved in a movie since Schindler's List....seriously. It revealed the darkness of this "Nation Under God"...of a people who have been given so much, and are still so selfish, angry, violent, and hateful. Racism is exposed in its most raw state...and I must was startling.

I sometimes forget that we live in such a wicked and prejudiced world. A world where ethnicity is spat upon instead of celebrated...where heritage and culture are mocked, and where stereotypes are often all that we know about a people group. We are ignorant.

But it's deeper than racism.
People always complain about all of the evil in the world. Someone once asked me, "if there is a God, how come there is so much evil in the world? and why doesn't God do anything about it?"

the answer is simple. He did do something about it...he took my sin, your sin, and the sins of the world upon himself, and gave his life so that we might be free. There is nothing you feel that he hasn't felt. No humiliation, abandonment, rejection, or torture that he doesn't know. And his desire is for you to be free from all of he offers an exchange. Your grief for his joy. Your anxiety for his peace. Your hurt for his healing. Your weakness for his strength. Your brokenness for his restoration. Death for Life.There is a God who's love is unending, unconditional and absolutely pure. It is this love that changed me. It is the only hope for our culture.

But it has to start with you.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

i am convinced that love is this worlds only renewable resource....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

sept 11- bridges burning??

"Seek me and you will find me... "

I feel like the more i seek, the quieter His voice gets. I scream at Him, wait patiently...and with no answers. The path i am walking is dark ahead and I fumbling around with choices that I'm making, not sure if what i am doing is right... is this divide a God one, one that will be worked out eventually or is this something that i permanent and damaging? I know that this is mine and it is short, but i am afraid that these choices that i will make will be no going back. ... and i dont want that. I don't want to run but there are so many words of wisdom that i am trying to be. I feel alone. Lost and all i know is that I trust Him.. (i just hope He comes through soon)

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. ps 42

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I was a little girl who spent her time searching for rolly pollies in the front yard... I always wore dresses... and had long curly hair.. .My daddy was my hero and Jesus was my best-friend.

Nothing has really changed, except the rolly pollies are harder to find and my hair isnt always curly.

Happy Father's Day Dad!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


He said "For I am your greatest encourager."
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

He said "For you are my treasured possession."
Exodus 19:5

He said "I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles."
2 Corinthians 1:3-4

and then He promised "When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you."
Psalm 34:18


I will seek Him with all of my heart. I will trust in Him. I desire His ways.
I will rejoice in the Lord, always.