Thursday, December 18, 2008

maybe we are all the same

I'm always throwing around the word need. It is a frequent occupant of my greedy lips, and all too unnecessary. I need. Yes, I do say that quite a bit. Usually, it simply means "I want".

Need: the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behaviour;

So what do I really need? What do you need? I'm sure that there are obvious answers. I'm positive that you could make a list.

Most days, what I really need is the same thing that you really need. Funny how that works. We all are longing for the same thing, and yet no one speaks of it.

In the deepest part of us, we desperately want companionship...At the end of the day, I want a friend. Not the kind of friends that will leave me when I let them down...but the kind of friends who never quit...
The friends that ride out the storm with you. Friends who stay by your side when you make a fool of yourself. Friends who realize that Love not only is unconditional, but it also "suffers long." Yes, friends who are willing to suffer with you and for you...friends who will push you towards change.

People are tricky. People have been hurt. Most people have lost their ability to trust. Maybe that's why it's so hard.
But here is what I know.

Love (which is the core of friendship) is pure and kind. Love is not self seeking. Love overlooks. Love perseveres. Love keeps no record of wrong.That is who I want to be. The dictionary defined Love as a feeling. But I beg to differ with Sir Webster. Love is a choice, it is a challenge, it is a goal. It is my goal.

To love without fear of failing or losing.
To trust without walls.
To stand my ground, even when I want to run.
To fight for my friends, at all costs.
&To walk out this journey surrounded by people who encourage me, and to be the friend that exudes the love that Christ has shown me.


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