Friday, June 3, 2011

10 things I've learnt recently

  1. I like lists. I have a daily list at work, sometimes I put things Ive already done on there.
  2. Biting into a big piece of wasabi is not a pleasant experience.
  3. Sitting in the sun can save the day.
  4. Norah Jones soothes my soul.
  5. I have an addiction to One Tree Hill. (its my breakup cure)
  6. If someone wants to be in your life, they will.
  7. Home-made is always best.
  8. No matter how old you are, you always need mama cuddles.
  9. Weekend trips to Melbourne with Dad makes me grateful for him.
  10. Wherever you are right now, is exactly where you're meant to be.

1 comment:

JENNA L. said...

the last one is so true. and i'm glad you had a fab time with the big d in melbourne. sometime a dose of parental love is the best medicine.

x x x
I'm Just a Gal