Monday, December 26, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Just a bit of girly advice.
- Whole grains and fresh fruit are good choices. but a cupcake is worth every calorie.
-If you're asking yourself if you should have another drink, the answer is probably 'no'
- Never shake someone's hand sitting down. Your grandad always told me this, and since he is wise, you should listen.
-A woman is 'pregnant' not 'preggers'.
-Your sexuality is not a bargaining chip in the negotiation of life. Dont trade on it, it is something specifically and only yours to explore and enjoy with someone you love. If you treat it as anything less, youre just gambling away your shot at true intimacy in pursuit of a false sense of worth.
-Champagne is for sipping. Trust me.
-Sometimes you just have to cry it out. Crying can be therapeutic, it's a girl thing. Just don't do it at work.
-Always treat people well. What goes around, comes around.
-Return your shopping trolley. An abandoned trolly in the middle of a car park implies a sense of entitlement. Someone has to put it away, and that someone should be you.
-Leggings are not pants.
-Not everyone is going to like you and thats just fine.
- Be generous. with your time, your money, your heart. If there was a single lesson I could hope on my best day to impart to you, this would be it.
more to come...
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
T- "I don't like men with tattoos on their faces, they scare me"
B- "Good, go with that. You don't marry those men"
T- "I know, I doubt I would ever kiss one"
mouths of babes
There is beauty...

There is beauty in the challenges, the hard decisions, the life transitions. Seasons that feel like they swallow you whole and spit out your bones. In your choices that alter your thoughts, and the choices others make which alter your heart, there is beauty. When you're overwhelmed because you don't have all the pretty answers. During the times where no path feels right, where you fall flat on your face and the times where you don't know what to do next. There is beauty.These are the times that stretch us to become greater than we ever imagined ourselves to be. These are the times that cracked us wide opened and enabled us to rise to the next level. These are the times that make us. Make us see that the world isn't black and white. These are the pivotal moments where it is up to us to stay stuck or dive in. To choose to wear your heart on your sleeve and gamble on someone, because if it works out... well, it would change your life. Choose to step out, to leap, to dive in. Perhaps this very instant is our time.
//// I think it's time for a few canon balls, friends! Let's dive together////
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

On the stage they stand, like statues waiting for the world to end.The crowd walks in and sees the make up, and thinks it's make up.They see the tricks, and think they're tricks.They see a shot ring out from what they think is a toy gun and someone dies, again.And as I leave, one of them presses a note into my hand."It's not pretend. It's all real. Please help me."
I've read it.
Monday, December 12, 2011
It's perfectly ok...

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

“Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.”-ralph waldo emerson.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
10 things I learnt this week.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

“Every experience in life, everything with which we have come in contact in life, is a chisel which has been cutting away at our life statue, molding, modifying, shaping it. We are part of all we have met. Everything we have seen, heard, felt, or thought has had its hand in molding us, shaping us."
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Just a thought.

Here is my theory on men and women. When a man meets a woman he decides within around thirty seconds whether or not he finds her attractive. If he doesn't, they become friends. If he does, they might become friends, but the potential for them to become lovers never quite goes away.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
On this day...
That soft touches will change you and stay with you longer than hard ones.
That being alone means you’re free. That old lovers miss you and new lovers want you and the one you’re with is the one you’re meant to be with. That the tingles running down your arms are angel feathers and they whisper in your ear, constantly, if you choose to hear them. That everything you want to happen, will happen, if you decide you want it enough. That every time you think a sad thought, you can think a happy one instead.
That you control that completely.
That the people who make you laugh are more beautiful than beautiful people. That you laugh more than you cry. That crying is good for you. That the people you hate wish you would stop and you do too.
That your friends are reflections of the best parts of you. That you are more than the sum total of the things you know and how you react to them. That dancing is sometimes more important than listening to the music.
That the most embarrassing, awkward moments of your life are only remembered by you and no one else. That no one judges you when you walk into a room and all they really want to know, is if you’re judging them. That what you make and what you do with your time is more important than you’ll ever fathom and should be treated as such. That the difference between a job and art is passion. That neither defines who you are. That talking to strangers is how you make friends.
That bad days end but a smile can go around the world. That life contradicts itself, constantly. That that’s why it’s worth living.
That the difference between pain and love is time. That love is only as real as you want it to be. That if you feel good, you look good but it doesn’t always work the other way around.
That the sun will rise each day and it’s up to you each day if you match it. That nothing matters up until this point. That what you decide now, in this moment, will change the future. Forever. That rain is beautiful.
And so are you.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Happy Weekend!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The scratches that made me.

It's ok... insist they use a coaster. think that every jar of super chunky peanut butter should come with a spoon. be that special kind of uptight that makes you pause the present-opening to smooth out and fold the wrapping paper for future reuse. start eating your takeaway the second you walk out the restaurant. start your to-do list with a task you've already done. find shopping for bed sheets just as exciting as shopping for shoes. firmly believe that if you share it, it has no calories. demand to be taken off speakerphone smirk when you see the big, tough guys at your gym tripping on the elliptical machine.
10 things I learnt this week.

2. GHD's are way better than other flat irons.
3. Carbs are essential to a good life.
4. Travelling is good for the soul.
5. Travelling with a good friend is even better.
6. An afternoon nap can save the day.
7. A positive attitude brings positive things to you.
8. M.A.S.H is still a good TV show.
9. I'm definitely a winter girl. For me, there is something inspiring and soul searching about cold, gloomy, rainy weather.
10. When you are truly, freely unashamed to be yourself, you give permission for others to be who they are. Let your freak flag fly people!