Monday, June 2, 2008


I had a thought, that with so much hurt and disappointment going on in my life this current moment…I never find myself verbalizing the wonderful, loving, stable incredible people or things I have in my life. There are so many, and if this blog serves any purpose other than a collection of random ramblings on my part…. It is to express my ’thankfulness’ to the diamonds in my life.

I am thankful for my mum.

I love that she buys gluten-free animal crackers for when three beautiful little brewins, who no longer eat gluten, come for a visit.

I love that she parks illegally at the airport when she knows that I need a little extra support at the baggage claim.

I love that she always goes out of her way to look beautiful for my dad. I love the way she loves him.

I love that she gets her nails done.

I love that she is really the only person I want to travel with.

I love that she tells me i'm worth more.

I love that I get her addicted to my favourite ‘trashy’ shows.

I love her strength. And her cooking. And her blunt wisdom.

There is more that I could tell you about my mum and her diverse dimensions. I forget sometimes to be thankful for her. I think that as life gets busy and as the ramifications of living in this fast paced world take over…I take her for granted. Each day I am learning that we are two imperfect human beings that were created perfectly by the One who knows us best.

Thankyou mum for being all that you are.


Melanie B said...

what a beautiful blog sweets!!! You are precious & so is your mum.
love ya Mxx

lusi said...

what a beautiful ma you have!
and i love the way you write :)
lus x