Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hey, its ok shove it in your closet and consider your place cleaned. take every single personal day, holiday and sick day that you are entitled to. discover all your new music courtesy of "The Hills" secretly hope that your exes consider you the one that got away.... find the word "panties" totally creepy. consider riding a swing a form of cardio correct people who mispronounce your name. push your sunglasses up on your head and consider it a hairstyle act all "candid" when someone pulls out a camera. think the fireworks were a wee bit excessive. Ooh, ahh, how many small countries could that have fed? ask for chicken on your vegie burger not change out of your pajamas

...and its ok to be ok with the things that are ok. Life is what it is and its too short to not be the real you.

1 comment:

Melanie B said...

I love it & I love you.
Can't wait to see you!!!
Me xxx

PS yes I did love New Moon & can't wait for the others, I even started reading the books again!!!