Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
maybe we are all the same
Need: the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behaviour;
So what do I really need? What do you need? I'm sure that there are obvious answers. I'm positive that you could make a list.
Most days, what I really need is the same thing that you really need. Funny how that works. We all are longing for the same thing, and yet no one speaks of it.
In the deepest part of us, we desperately want companionship...At the end of the day, I want a friend. Not the kind of friends that will leave me when I let them down...but the kind of friends who never quit...
The friends that ride out the storm with you. Friends who stay by your side when you make a fool of yourself. Friends who realize that Love not only is unconditional, but it also "suffers long." Yes, friends who are willing to suffer with you and for you...friends who will push you towards change.
People are tricky. People have been hurt. Most people have lost their ability to trust. Maybe that's why it's so hard.
But here is what I know.
Love (which is the core of friendship) is pure and kind. Love is not self seeking. Love overlooks. Love perseveres. Love keeps no record of wrong.That is who I want to be. The dictionary defined Love as a feeling. But I beg to differ with Sir Webster. Love is a choice, it is a challenge, it is a goal. It is my goal.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Not to teach
What God has said
To the generations before me
But to learn
What He is saying
To us
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
family happiness
if only for a moment
and be glad that you were lucky enough to breath its air
Monday, November 10, 2008
there is no one else for me
And, at her foot-print, but a bygone pace,
The ocean-past, which, with increasing wave,
Swallow'd her steps like a pursuing grave.
Sad were my thoughts that anchor'd silently
On the dead waters of that passionless sea,
Unstirr'd by any touch of living breath:
Silence hung over it, and drowsy death..."
taken from thomas hood's sea of death
Thursday, November 6, 2008
.too deeper shades.
{Hemingway knew}"I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know? "
I walk into my bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror. i stare deep into my eyes...past the shades of blue..into my soul. There I am. still the same as always , yet slightly altered. today i didnt want to be who i am. i want to be nobody. i didnt know. so i whipsered the whispers of the One who knows me better...over and over i told myself who He says i am...today it doesnt even seem to help.
there is a black hole in a soul. one where when stumbled across has the ablilty to suck you in and cloud your mind. it is destructive and only seems to produce harm...the road to this place knows my name a little too well. It's a cycle...a form of counterproductivity.To some, it seems desirable, but I can assure you that the word is true..."without VISION, people perish."I am too young to die. I am too enlightened to live without vision.I had it once. Intense, gripping vision.
get it back.
Purpose. Destiny. Vision. Words that all hold a deep meaning in my life. They resound in my soul. They remind me why I am here.
It has become all to easy to forget life is more than life. I seem to find myself wondering from one place to another...visionless. Life is war. it is darkness fighting for our souls. That we are in the balance. Becuase of complacency and indifference, we slowly slip into unconciousness and begin to go through life as pawns instead of being aware that you and I are, indeed, royalty.
So today, before I take another step or say another word or make another phone call. Before I proceed with my routines and habits, I have to remove the foggy glasses from my eyes. I put them on, and in the name of freedom, allowed myself to live blind. I am too good for that.
Again, i worry sometimes that my honesty gives you more room to criticize. But the closer I get to the heart of God, the more I realize that we are all severly flawed. We all make epic and life threatening mistakes. We all fall down.
But a righteous man falls 7 times and gets back up.
that is truth.
It doesn't make us bad, it doesn't make us worthless. It makes us human.You, in your humanity will make grave mistakes...and God, in His soveriegnty and unconditional love, picks us up...restores us...and continues to mold us into his image of beauty.
I feel like a painting. An unfinished but brilliantly thought out painting. The colours are chosen and the artist knows what he is making, but no one else does. No one sees what he sees. And for the life of me, I can't even figure out what I am supposed to look like. But I know that it will be perfect. That little by little, the lines and colours and shades will all fall into place.
One more day. Not lost, but lived. One more day to make right decision and to progress towards the goal. One more day that I must fight and struggle and believe.There is hope in a life lived by Faith.I chose, today, to live by that faith.It is the only way.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Brittany is excited that Melanie is home again!

Here is my theory on men and women. When a man meets a woman he decides within around thirty seconds whether or not he finds her attractive. If he doesn't, they become friends. If he does, they might become friends, but the potential for them to become lovers never quite goes away.
Friday, October 17, 2008
lost and found
blocking the full picture of who human beings are in the sight of God.
I have boxes i put people in,
judgements that i pass,
measurements i use to compare people to myself.
Transform my heart,
strip me of my blinders,
allow me to see people
the way you see them.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
As far as I can tell, it is passion, admiration, and respect.
If you have two, you have enough.
If you have all three, you dont have to die to go to heaven.
-William Wharton
Thursday, October 2, 2008
let the dead bury their dead
Monday, September 29, 2008
gossip, love and the psalms!!!
lookie lookie what i acquired yesterday from my favourite little 2nd hand book shop!!! I have finished 'Scarlet Thread' (multiple times) but i havent started reading the others just yet. I am going away today, just for a night, down South- perfect chance to begin reading!!!....
I found a beautiful verse in Psalms that ill leave you with...
LORD, our Lord, how
majestic is your name in all the
earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in
place,You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with
glory and
honor. Psalm8
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"Like a dog that returns to its vomit- it is a fool who repeats his folly."
- proverbs 26:11I think
that the biggest poison of my generation has been one thing: selfishness.
When I think of my life over the past 7 months I cant believe at all that has happened! There has been some amazing triumphs, not just in my life, but in the lives of those around me…. My relationship with 2 incredible women have been fully restored (major God thing), I have painted (yes Mel, I will finish your painting), I have scrapped, I have studied, I have flown away. I have returned. I have had my heart shattered and ive worked hard to repair it (watch this space) and sadly, like a dog, I returned to my folly once or twice.
BUT. I have come to the decision to take control. Lately I have found myself stressed, time-poor and not happy with how my life is. I don’t like not having time to do the simple things. So next semester I am going to drop Uni back to part time… things will work better….(and I wont feel like quitting) I think I begging to realise that although we are all human, we are vastly different and should compass our lives accordingly, including university.
I’m sorry if this post confuses you, I really don’t have a point to it…other than to say that the human spirit is beautiful and resilient. There isn’t much we cant find our way back from. And for that, I am thankful.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tonight, I watched a movie.
I don't think I have been as moved in a movie since Schindler's List....seriously. It revealed the darkness of this "Nation Under God"...of a people who have been given so much, and are still so selfish, angry, violent, and hateful. Racism is exposed in its most raw state...and I must say...it was startling.
I sometimes forget that we live in such a wicked and prejudiced world. A world where ethnicity is spat upon instead of celebrated...where heritage and culture are mocked, and where stereotypes are often all that we know about a people group. We are ignorant.
But it's deeper than racism.
People always complain about all of the evil in the world. Someone once asked me, "if there is a God, how come there is so much evil in the world? and why doesn't God do anything about it?"
the answer is simple. He did do something about it...he took my sin, your sin, and the sins of the world upon himself, and gave his life so that we might be free. There is nothing you feel that he hasn't felt. No humiliation, abandonment, rejection, or torture that he doesn't know. And his desire is for you to be free from all of that...so he offers an exchange. Your grief for his joy. Your anxiety for his peace. Your hurt for his healing. Your weakness for his strength. Your brokenness for his restoration. Death for Life.There is a God who's love is unending, unconditional and absolutely pure. It is this love that changed me. It is the only hope for our culture.
But it has to start with you.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
sept 11- bridges burning??
"Seek me and you will find me... "
I feel like the more i seek, the quieter His voice gets. I scream at Him, wait patiently...and with no answers. The path i am walking is dark ahead and I fumbling around with choices that I'm making, not sure if what i am doing is right... is this divide a God one, one that will be worked out eventually or is this something that i permanent and damaging? I know that this is mine and it is short, but i am afraid that these choices that i will make will be no going back. ... and i dont want that. I don't want to run but there are so many words of wisdom that i am trying to be. I feel alone. Lost and all i know is that I trust Him.. (i just hope He comes through soon)
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. ps 42
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
He said "For you are my treasured possession."
Exodus 19:5
He said "I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles."
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
and then He promised "When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you."
Psalm 34:18
I will seek Him with all of my heart. I will trust in Him. I desire His ways.
I will rejoice in the Lord, always.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
i love the rain.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
this little girl

A woman who would read her latest Cosmo mag over her university text book... anyday.
A woman who loves doing things for other people. A woman who loves to listen, because she is truly interested in what they have to say.
A woman who believes in love but almost daily, asks herself if it something she really wants?
She is a woman who would spend $140 on a cotton tshirt because of the name on the label, but doesn't feel she needs it to 'complete' her.
She eats chocolate in the morning and coffee late at night.
She is secure in who she is...although, she is not entirely sure who that is.
Studies hard, but doesn't know what she want to be 'when she grows up'
She loves to watch the sunset, but she is partial to the rain.
A woman who wants to save the world, but doesn't know where to start.
Her family is her all.
Her mum is her best friend.
Her daddy is her hero.
And Jesus has her heart, for He takes the good with the bad and manages to love her regardless.. although facets of her soul may change over time, that is what will never alter.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
small portions of the cosmo

as if we could be taught
as if His presence
could be bound or bought
punch numbers
write letters
draw lines
around truth
he is this
he is that
he is purple
or blue
as if you could name
the infinite light
or measure his waters
in ways finite
perhaps you are proud
of your place in the chain
of your power
or knowhow
your import
your fame
perhaps you speak boldly
of things that you've done
vomiting lists
i've won. i've won
but oh!
how you've failed
and oh!
how you'll die
and rotting from pride
but oh!
how you've failed
and oh!
how you'll die
with a metal of honor
on a pulpit
in lights
Friday, July 25, 2008
thought for the day...
They say "all's fair in love and war" or "love is a battlefield"... Hevens knows, i grew up singing the song! But they never did stipulate when enough is enough. When exactly does the time come where it is acceptable, if not advisable, to withdraw your troops, cut your losses and run? When the love battlefields of love are littered with various parts of you, can the ground that was lost ever truly be won back?
I wonder if Hitler could go back and re-write the lines of World War One, if the story would look any different. If he would use his words instead of blazing in with swords drawn, would things have looked different
where as. maybe, just maybe the pain is what forces us to grow in a different direction. maybe after the growth, when what we are left with are beautiful battle wounds that will eventually caputre the eye of a soilder. On that will be on my side.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
of joy and sorrow
"The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
Is not the cup that hold your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?
And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
Some of you say, "Joy is greater than sorrow," and others say, "Nay, sorrow is the greater."
But I say unto you, they are inseparable. "
from The Prohet
Thursday, June 26, 2008
PS. things I just love about you.

I have three nieces, three amazing nieces that, just through their presence, add so much to my life. They all teach me so much, they make me think a lot; through their questions about everyday things that would otherwise be over-looked, I am constantly in awe of them. She is their amazing mum!
Monday, June 9, 2008
the way ive loved you.
All we search for
isint really as complicated as it seems.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Maybe its that in the darkness my flaws are hidden. my doubts, my fears, insecutiries are veiled. But darkness, with it's strange and provocative allure...fools us.
For years i have gone back and forth, in and out of these two worlds. the lines between darkness and light blurs as i try to hide from truth and from transparency and from myself.
I feel i have woven myself into a tangle of brilliant colors, manic depressive tendencies, strong willed arrogance, and a subdued concience.
I know what I believe. I know what is true. And yet, there are days when I switch the light off. Maybe it's too hard...or maybe I am too selfish...I am always fighting to have my way.
And after living in both worlds, after seeing a glimpse of what our culture has idolized....I now know what I desire.
Monday, June 2, 2008
I am thankful for my mum.
I love that she buys gluten-free animal crackers for when three beautiful little brewins, who no longer eat gluten, come for a visit.
I love that she parks illegally at the airport when she knows that I need a little extra support at the baggage claim.
I love that she always goes out of her way to look beautiful for my dad. I love the way she loves him.
I love that she gets her nails done.
I love that she is really the only person I want to travel with.
I love that she tells me i'm worth more.
I love that I get her addicted to my favourite ‘trashy’ shows.
I love her strength. And her cooking. And her blunt wisdom.
There is more that I could tell you about my mum and her diverse dimensions. I forget sometimes to be thankful for her. I think that as life gets busy and as the ramifications of living in this fast paced world take over…I take her for granted. Each day I am learning that we are two imperfect human beings that were created perfectly by the One who knows us best.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
all of my limbs
and cells
and touches
all of my thoughts
and motions
and screams
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
her heart is broken, but she wears it well
If there were no such thing as mistakes..if we never failed..if we never stumbled...then we would never be able to fully understand or rely on the grace of God and the power of his spirit.. we would not be forced to step outside of a comfortable reaction to failure. the comfortable reaction and normally the first reaction we have is:
self pity depression
and feeling like a loser.
I make mistakes. I don't understand things sometimes. I make decisions based off of a feeling or emotion. I mess up. and SOME HOW he never fades.even when everything else does....he is always there to take me under his wing.
I cannot soely rely on myself to accomplish great things...i can't do it..I just can't.
he invented greatness...he called me great...therefore I am.
but the moment I get prideful..and think I can do it better...think that I can do it on my own...i fail. and i'm humbeld by this.
I long for certain things..and I am striving now to be patient and diligent in the little things before God will bless me with ....the things i long for.
but it all comes back to him. It all comes back to my heart longing for him. I want more of him.and more and more and more.
basically today I ask for grace,and I ask for more, we all need it. we all want it.
today proves that he is everlasting
even when nothing else stays the same
he is always the same.
i will wait for you.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
There is this white little town
to return to his castle,away from the liars and the theives
cheapend and used.
live like it.

Sunday, March 16, 2008
so on and on and on

I find myself constantly frustrated by the way my need and deep desire for creativity is frequently over shadowed by my lack of talent and 'know how'.. As i look over these images above, i am intrigued by the use of things such as light. angle. pose. I find these photos tell a story, a snippet of time captured by a lense, whose music will sing on forever.
there is some much i see. think. know. feel. experience. however im not quite sure the purpose or meaning of thie post....maybe it should be titled 'the ramblings of a creativly frustrated woman'....though i will leave you with this question...
I wonder if what you desire, you will become?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
. non ! Rien de rien .
Friday, February 22, 2008
. mosaics and red walls .
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
. paix sur terre .
Everything is quiet.
Too quiet.
So I close my eyes and tell my mind to journey somewhere else, somewhere far from here.
I open my eyes and bursts of light flash before me. Screaming children, heat, debris, and blood.
Im not yet sure where this isbut its terrifying. Soldiers, libertines, gun shots, dust in my eyes. Israel. Ive been here before. Its happening right now, violent war, and all the while, I am in my room thinking to my self, its oh so quiet.
I shut my eyes in fear and tell my mind to try something else. Something lessfrightening.
Again, I open them to bright, blinding light. This time, there are no bombs, only swarms of bugs and a burning sun and the smell of feces. I see a baby lying on a pile of grass, stomach swollen and face covered in flies. Youve probably seen something similar on a Feed the Children Commercial. But trust me, this is a vision too graphic for TV. Inside a mud hut, a mother lies sleeping, or so one would think. But if you look closer, you would notice that she is not breathing. She has been dead for days, rotting in the heat after a long a painful fight with AIDS. Her village has abandoned her, and her child is alone, but unaware. He will die within the weekhe simply cant survive the sun and starvation. We are in Zambia, and I feel as helpless as the dying child. Im too far to reach him.
Im not sure I can keep up this game. It hurts too much.
But I cant help myself.
Take me somewhere else. Somewhere colder.
Snow falls on the top of my head and instantly I am chilled to the bone. Cobble stone roads and posters of naked women are everywhere. Ahhh, Moscow. How I have dreaded my return to you. I look around at the furry hated citizens and glance at the magnificent architecture. It is quite beautiful. Then I see her, a little girl on the sidewalk. I watch her. I watch her waiting. Then it happens. I watch her walk up to a stranger, and proposition him. He looks pleased. He looks like hes 50. He takes her under his arm and walks her to a nearby cab. They ride off to his flat and I cringe at the thought of what that child is about to go through. She might be 10 years old, or she might be 16its really too hard to tell anymore. But she needs the money. She has to eat. If she doesnt take this job, shell spend the next few days sniffing glue to curb the hunger pains. She might be 10 years old.
Enough. Im fighting back anger now, and for good reason. I am mad at the destruction and the disease and the poverty and the perversion. I am angry because I want to fix it all with the wave of my hand. I want to run to the girl in Moscow and offer her a place to live and be safe. I want to carry the dying infant to my home and nurture him back to health. I want to name him.
There is too much to be done, and Im tucked away in my safe and peaceful room in Australia. My 60000 sq. ft. room that a family of 10 could live in. Its disheartening, and yet I have hope. As difficult as it seems, I know that my God is able to do above and beyond what I ask and dream. He gives grace to the humble, he healed the sick and fed the poor, and he asks me to do the same.
We are, as a culture, overfed and overindulged. As Christians, we spend most of our time quibbling over doctrine, theory and power. That is not Christianity, and I will not be a part of it.
{The God I live for gave us two primary commandments}
1. Love Him with all of my heart, mind, soul, and strength.
2. Love my neighbor as myself.
And I watch the circus around me, a parade of the self-seeking and self-absorbed.
And I think, God, save me from myself.
If I have all the riches of the world and all the praise of man, but have not love.I am nothing.
And as cliché as it sounds, I am certain that Love, and only Love, will save us.
I know too much,
Their blood is on my hands.